Major Projects

Title Project Description Project Type Project Status
1001 EHB 1001 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Parkside Towers Office & R&D Proposal (UP2021-0036)

A Use Permit Modification request was received to allow Research & Development (R&D) use on floors four (4) through eight (8) at the Parkside Towers office development located at 1001 E. Hillsdale Boulevard – UP2021-0036

Planning Approved
1001 EHB UP2021-0043 1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Century Plaza Change of Use from Office to R&D Proposal (UP2021-0043, EA2021-0005, and RZ2021-0006)

A Use Permit was received requesting that the City allow up to 87,000 square feet of Research & Development (R&D) use at the existing 115,629 square-foot office building at Century Plaza located at 1065 E. Hillsdale Boulevard – UP2021-0043.

Planning Approved
1065 EHB Picture 1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Restaurant/Retail Pavilion (PR2020-0004, UP2021-0015, GP2021-0006, RZ2021-0007, and EA2021-0006)

Planning Approved
Gilead New Lab Picture 331 Lakeside Drive, Gilead Campus (UP2023-0079)

 An application was submitted by Delvin Harvey of Gilead Science, Inc. to demolish an existing office building and entitle a new  research and development building on the Gilead Campus. The proposed conceptual plans for the subject site include the following:

Planning Approved and Under Construction
388 Vintage Park Drive 388 Vintage Park Drive (EA2021-0001, RZ2021-0003, UP2021-0023, and UP2021-0024)

An Application was submitted by SteelWave and Helios Real Estate to redevelop the vacant El Torito restaurant into a new Class A life sciences office building.

The proposed conceptual plans for the subject site include the following:

Planning Under Construction
Add Third/Fourth Lagoon Pump and related Infrastructure & Lagoon Pump Station Building Rehab Study (CIP 301-717 and CIP 301-718)

​​​​​​​The City’s storm drainage system consists of a network of storm drainpipes that drain to the lagoon which is then manually pumped into the San Francisco Bay at the City’s Corporation Yard.

The Lagoon Pump Station at the City’s Corporation Yard houses four pump bays with two active pumps and two decommissioned pumps. CIP 717 provides for the removal of 2 non-functioning lagoon pump engines, impellers, shafts, and associated plumbing that were abandoned in place when the two current pumps were installed in 2001, so that a third and...

Capital Project In Progress
Fiber/node Installation Crown Castle Fiber/Node Installation

This project is currently approved and under construction which comprises the installation of 16 miles of Fiber Optic Infrastructure and 63 Wireless Cellular Nodes that are used to send and receive voice and data communications. This project will be ongoing for the remainder of 2024 and possibly into 2025.

Other Under Construction
Development Impact Fee

An Amendment to Title 3, Revenue and Finance of the Foster City Municipal Code to add Chapters 3.50 Park Facilities Impact Fee, 3.60 Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee, and 3.70 Public Safety Impact Fee to implement new Development Impact Fees including an amendment to Chapter 17.88 Affordable Housing Commercial Linkage Fee of Title 17, of the Foster City Municipal Code to update the City's Affordable Housing Commercial Linkage Fee

The Comprehensive Development Impact Fees and the Commercial Linkage Fee studies are available below and in the Files tab on this page:

Planning Approved
edgewater aerial Edgewater Park Softball and Soccer Synthetic Resurfacing

The project includes removal of the existing synthetic turf playing surface and installation of a new synthetic turf playing surface as called out in the contract documents. Work shall also include minor base fine tuning and infill installation as called out in the documents. Construction Work shall be completed within 40 Calendar Days from the date when Contract Time commences to run, which is anticipated to start on July 15, 2024.

Capital Project In Progress
generator Emergency Generator Replacement (CIP 455-705)

The District has an ongoing program to maintain and upgrade the wastewater system to improve operation and reliability. As part of the program, the District has identified emergency generators and automatic transfer switches (ATSs) at ten of the District’s wastewater lift stations that are reaching the end of their service lives and in need of replacement.

Capital Project In Progress
bike ped Foster City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

This project consists of the development of the City of Foster City’s first Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Plan). The City intends to seek consultants to aid in the creation of a multi-modal transportation plan that prioritizes Safe Routes to School and bicycle and pedestrian safety throughout the City. The plan will have long-term effects on the prioritization and development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities to increase user safety.

Planning Budgeted
Parks & Recreation Image Foster City Recreation Center Rebuild Project (UP2023-0003/CIP 301-678/EA2023-0003)

A Use Permit to demolish the existing 32,000-square-foot recreation center and construct a new Foster City Recreation Center in approximately the same location. The new recreation center building would be two stories and a maximum of approximately 40 feet in height and approximately 40,000 square feet in size. The proposed project would also include improvements to Leo J. Ryan Park consisting of new outdoor gathering spaces, new landscaping, and restriped parking lots.

Planning Approved
Fuel Systems Improvements (CIP 301-700)

The City and District own and operate a City/District fueling station to service the City/District fleet of vehicles and equipment. The station, including its fuel tanks, dispensers, and appurtenances have exceeded their useful life and are having consistent maintenance needs that are difficult to address due to most of the equipment materials no longer being made. This project will look to remove the existing underground unleaded tanks and the above ground diesel tanks and replace them with above ground tanks with new fueling stations.

Capital Project In Progress
water meter Large Water Meter Replacements (CIP 405-704)

The project consists of the removal and replacement of various large water meters throughout the District. A survey that was conducted in 2022 identified several large water meters that are due for replacement. These meters are currently under-registering and do not account for the full cost of water usage. Due to their size and lay length differences, many will require new meter boxes and reconfiguration of piping to and from the new meters, and therefore cannot be performed in house by staff.

Capital Project In Progress
Lift Station 59 Effluent Line Lift Station 59 Effluent Line Improvements Project (CIP 455-695)

The District has an ongoing program of maintaining and upgrading the wastewater system through the replacement of appurtenances that have reached the end of their useful life and various improvements to the wastewater system to improve redundancy and reliability. The Lift Station 59 Effluent Line Improvements Project (Project) includes various improvements to the District’s main lift station (Pump Station 59) located in the District’s Corporation Yard. Improvements include the replacement of the existing ultrasonic effluent flow meter with a new electromagnetic flow meter, the...

Capital Project In Progress
Median Modifications and Road Improvements Median Modifications and Road Improvements at Chess Drive and Foster City Blvd (CIP 301-635 & CIP 301-637)

The Median Modification and Road Improvements at Chess Drive and Foster City Boulevard Project is the combining of CIP 301-635 and 301-637. The two projects were developed as part of the Engineering Feasibility Study Final Report (May 2009) to address traffic related impacts from proposed development projects in Foster City. The projects are identified as Multi-Project #3, #4, #7, and #8 in the study. The project is being designed by the City’s design consultant, BKF Engineers, and the scope involves:

Capital Project In Progress
New Hotel New Hotel Development Proposal

An application has been submitted for proposed development of a new, approximately 83,190 square-foot, seven-story hotel and associated site improvements at the vacant lot situated at the southwest corner of Metro Center Boulevard and Shell Boulevard.  As proposed, the hotel would feature approximately 156 guest rooms and include a limited-service restaurant and bar, meeting space, rooftop terrace, and uncovered garden deck.  The building would be constructed on a raised podium above ground-level parking and would be surrounded by a surface parking field, accommodating approximately 141...

Planning Approved
Park System Master Plan Project Logo Park System Master Plan (CIP 301-682)

Several of Foster City's 24 beautiful parks are nearing 50 years old.  As part of the City's ongoing effort to properly and adequately maintain its Parks infrastructure and ensure the quality and diversity of the facilities, a Parks System Master Plan is necessary.  Development of a Master Plan for the Parks System will allow for future planning of projects and guide the overall direction of the City's parks program. 

Capital Project Budgeted
PG&E Gas Drip Removal PG&E Gas Line Drip Removal

PG&E will be working on Hillsdale Blvd. and Edgewater Blvd. to improve the safety and reliability of the natural gas system. PG&E will be removing equipment that is no longer needed. Portions of Hillsdale Blvd., and Edgewater Blvd. will be impacted by this work.

The project is anticipated to start in early June 2024 and should be completed by mid-2024. Work activities will be limited to the hours between 8:...

Other Under Review
Carmel Village Gas Project PG&E Residential Gas Service Replacement Project - Carmel Village

PG&E will be working in the Carmel Village communities for a pipeline replacement project to improve the safety and reliability of the natural gas system. Approximately 2,700 feet of 2-inch gas distribution main and 85 service lines will be replaced/relocated for homes on the following streets:

Halibut St.                 Grunion Ct.                  Bramble Ct.

Portions of Marlin Ave., and Beach Park Blvd. will also be impacted by this work.

The project is anticipated to start in early...

Other Under Construction
Pilgrim Triton Phase C/Laguna Vista Pilgrim Triton Phase C/Laguna Vista

Pilgrim Triton Phase C includes 70 townhouse-style condominium units known as Laguna Vista and 22 Workforce Housing Apartment units that are owned by the City of Foster City. The project also includes the enlargement and completion of the Pilgrim Triton Plaza park.

Construction began in late 2020 and is expected to be completed in late 2021-2022.

The 70 Laguna Vista units include 7 one-bedroom, 13 two-bedroom, 6 three-bedroom, and 44 four-bedroom units.

The 22 Workforce Apartment units include:

Planning Under Construction
Recreation Center Master Plan Project Recreation Center Rebuild Project (CIP 301-678)

The City Council first authorized a Recreation Center Master Plan Study as a component of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 budget and received extensive public outreach during that fiscal year as a first step in developing a Recreation Center Master Plan. 

Capital Project In Progress
Lantern Cove Redevelopment of Lantern Cove Apartments

The proposed Use Permit Application is to add 420 new dwelling units and 518 new parking spaces on a 16.8-acre site known as Lantern Cove Apartments. The subject site is located to the south of Port Royal Avenue between the two points of intersections of Port Royal Avenue and Rock Harbor Lane. The subject site currently includes thirty-five 2-story apartment buildings containing 232 dwelling units, a leasing/amenity building, and 482 parking spaces. The site consists of a mix of surface and carport parking spaces providing a parking ratio of 2.08 parking spaces per dwelling unit.

Planning Under Review
SM 101 Express Lanes Project San Mateo 101 Express Lanes Project

The San Mateo 101 Express Lanes Project is a multi-year, multi-agency project initiated to reduce traffic congestion and encourage carpooling and transit use on U.S. 101 in San Mateo County.

The project will create 22 miles of express lanes on U.S. Highway 101 from I-380 in San Bruno to the San Mateo County/Santa Clara County border. The San Mateo 101 Express Lanes will then seamlessly connect to the express lanes being constructed in Santa Clara County.

Other Under Construction
Lagoon Pump Station Seismic Improvements at Lagoon Pump Station (CIP 301-690)

The City of Foster City, as part of a program to minimize service disruptions which could result from a seismic event,  has identified needed repairs and upgrades to the Lagoon Pump Station.   The lagoon pump station pumps water from lagoon into the Bay.   

The Project includes:
•    Strapping down equipment within the Building;
•    Retrofitting the Overhead Doors Frames;
•    Repairing and reconstructing the walkway on the lagoon-side of the Building; and 
•    Retrofitting the walkway on the bay-side of the building.

Capital Project Under Construction
force main - shell Shell Bridge Sanitary Sewer Force Main Rehabilitation (CIP 455-710)

The existing 16-inch force main along Shell Blvd Bridge was originally constructed in the 1960’s and is a critical facility which delivers over 500,000 gallons of sewage (approximately one-third of the wastewater generated in the City) daily to the San Mateo Wastewater Treatment Plant. During a routine maintenance inspection, a small crack was identified on the top side of the force main which called for a repair. The repairs were completed in February 2021 and included the in-house replacement of the air release valve located on the force main at the high point on the...

Capital Project Under Review
716 overview Street Rehabilitation and Park Pathway Restoration (CIP 301-716)

CIP 301-716 consists of street rehabilitation and pavement maintenance on Edgewater Blvd., grading adjustments along Shell Blvd at Beach Park Elementary School, paver and bituminous layer repair at the E. Hillsdale Blvd and Center Park Ln intersection, park pathway restoration at Boothbay, Gull, and Sea Cloud Parks, and asphalt replacement at concrete entrances for Turnstone, Marlin, and Sunfish Parks. Street...

Capital Project Approved
water main Water Main Condition Assessment (CIP 405-723)

This project is identified in the Water Distribution System Master Plan. The 24-inch cement mortar lined and coated steel transmission main is the District’s sole source of water and was constructed in 1962. A condition assessment of the transmission main and other steel mains that comprise the backbone of the District’s water system was performed in 2005. At the time, the District’s steel mains were determined to be in very good condition. It was recommended that the District’s transmission main undergo a new assessment within the 20 year period....

Capital Project In Progress
Water Tanks 1, 2, and 3 Water Tanks and Facilities Improvements Project (CIP 405-660)

The Water Tanks and Facilities Improvements Project includes:

  • Repair of the corrosion and deteriorated coating system on the three steel water tanks;
  • Seismic improvement to Tanks 1 and 2; and
  • Seismic improvements to the water booster pump station. 

Design is underway.  

For more information regarding the Capital Improvement Project, please  Public Works Engineering at (650) 286-3270.

Capital Project Under Construction