Recreation Center Rebuild Project (CIP 301-678)

Project Status: 
In Progress
Project Type: 
Capital Project
Last Updated:
03/17/2025 - 12:28pm
Recreation Center Master Plan Project
Recreation Center Master Plan Project
Recreation Center Master Plan Project


The City Council first authorized a Recreation Center Master Plan Study as a component of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 budget and received extensive public outreach during that fiscal year as a first step in developing a Recreation Center Master Plan. 

In FY 2017-2018, the project was added to the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program in order to identify initial and on-going funding for the project and the City Council took further steps to identify the issues and estimated costs to address the Center and its surroundings to meet the current and future recreation needs of the community.  An RFP was issued in December 2017 for developing Conceptual Plans.

In FY 2018-2019, the City Council received the Conceptual Design Plan Report and began discussion of a "build to budget" project scope.

Follow this link to the Recreation Center Master Plan FAQ.

In November 2022, the City Council awarded the professional design, bidding, and construction support services to Group 4 Architecture, Research + Planning, Inc. (Group 4). Group 4 has started working on the conceptual designs for the Recreation Center Rebuild Project (Project), which includes community outreach. Schematic design will follow the conceptual design phase and is anticipated to begin April 2023.

A website is set up for this Project at, where residents can find additional information regarding the Project, including minutes, presentations, and supporting documents from City Council, Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Committee, and Project Task Force meetings.  

In March 2023, the City Council awarded the construction management and support services to Griffin Structures.

Construction is anticipated to take place in 2024. 

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