Foster City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

Project Status: 
Project Type: 
Last Updated:
01/24/2025 - 11:06am
bike ped


This project consists of the development of the City of Foster City’s first Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Plan). The City intends to seek consultants to aid in the creation of a multi-modal transportation plan that prioritizes Safe Routes to School and bicycle and pedestrian safety throughout the City. The plan will have long-term effects on the prioritization and development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities to increase user safety.

The Plan will be informed through previous transportation studies, new analysis, and community feedback. The community will be invited to engage with project staff at key points throughout the planning process to provide their thoughts on opportunities and challenges, identify priorities, and present ideas for the future!

Please return to this project page periodically to check for updates or opportunities to participate!

Proposals for the Foster City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan were due December 6, 2024. The City's qualification-based selection process is ongoing and the project is anticipated to start in Spring 2025.

Contact Information

Public Works Department

Engineering Division
610 Foster City Boulevard
Foster City, CA  94404
Phone: (650) 286-3270
Fax: (650) 345-4626
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Maintenance Division
100 Lincoln Centre Drive
Foster City, CA  94404
Phone: (650) 286-8140
Fax: (650) 349-7204
Monday - Thursday, 8 am - 4:30 pm
Friday, 8 am - 3:30 pm​
(By appointment only)