331 Lakeside Drive, Gilead Campus (UP2023-0079)

Project Status: 
Approved and Under Construction
Project Type: 
Last Updated:
03/19/2025 - 9:13am
Gilead New Lab Picture


 An application was submitted by Delvin Harvey of Gilead Science, Inc. to demolish an existing office building and entitle a new  research and development building on the Gilead Campus. The proposed conceptual plans for the subject site include the following:

      1. Demolish 20,737 square-foot office building.
      2. Construct ±190,000 square-foot R&D building.
      3. Five-story building with suites of laboratories and dedicated function spaces for research equipment, support spaces for the handling of biological materials, traditional workstations separated from the research space, and collaboration on each floor.
      4. Third story skybridge connecting the new building and Building 324 across Lakeside Drive.
      5. New landscaped area known as the "Research Quad."


The Planning Commission held a Study Session on Thursday, September 7, 2023. 

The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing and the project was approved on Thursday, November 2, 2023.

Additional Documents & Resources

Contact Information


Community Development
610 Foster City Blvd.
Foster City, CA  94404

Planning Division
Phone: 650-286-3225
Email: planning@fostercity.org

Code Enforcement Division
Phone: 650-286-3228
Email: codeenforcement@fostercity.org

Nori Jabba
Housing Coordinator
Phone: 650-286-3230 
Email: njabba@fostercity.org

Building Division
Phone: 650-286-3227
Permit Technician: 650-286-3231
Fax: 650-286-3589
Email: building@fostercity.org