Senior Programs and Activities
Welcome to the Foster City Senior Programs and Activities! For more information on these programs, please call (650) 286-3380.
Senior Drop-in Programming Hours
Cards and Billiards
Card tables and billiards are available to seniors on a first-come, first serve basis at The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd.
Monday-Thursday 9am-2:30pm
Friday 9am-2pm
Saturday-Sunday Closed
Table Tennis
One table tennis table is available to seniors on a first-come, first serve basis at The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9am-12pm
Got Wheels! is a no-cost membership program for residents of those 25 cities who are at least 70 years of age or younger than 70 with disabilities. They are provided up to 6 one-way rides a month curb-to-cub within the service area for $5 and an optional tip. Each member may bring 2 companions free of extra charge. The service is 24/7 and includes service to SFO. See flyer at the bottom of the page for more information
Games and Activities:
Join fellow seniors for some social time while enjoying popular table games or knitting. Participants can borrow playing cards or bring their own. Activities are not led by an instructor.
Mondays | 12:30pm - 4pm |Sail Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd
Thursdays | 1pm - 4pm |Port Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd
Mondays | 12:30pm - 4pm | Port Room -
Wednesday, 1st and 3rd | 1:30pm - 4:30pm |
Sail Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd
Wednesdays | 12pm - 2:30pm |Port Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd (effective 4/16/25)
Mah Jong
Wednesdays | 2pm - 4pm | Sail Room
We have a series of fun Senior focused events this holiday 2024 season so be sure to check out the flyer below!
Senior Tech Tutoring:
Do you need help using your laptop or cell phone? Sign up for an appointment with our high school technology volunteer! Tech tutoring appointments are available every Saturday from 10am – 11:30am. 15 or 30 minute time slots are available. Call 650-286-2585 or stop by the Foster City Community Center front desk to sign up.
Senior Meals:
Join the Foster City Senior and the Foster City Rotary Club for a delicious hot lunch. Preregister at the Community Center front desk or call (650) 286-2585. Space is limited to the first 40 participants. Upcoming meals will be held in the Vibe Teen Center from 11:30am-12:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month. Meals are $7 (cash only) and are paid upon signing up
San Mateo Adult School Classes:
Art: Fundamentals of Art
Tuesdays | 9:30am - 11:30am | 12:30pm - 2:30pm |Sail Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd
Yoga for Health
Tuesdays | 10:30am - 11:30am | Port Room
Tai Chi Advance
Thursdays | 9am - 10am |Starboard Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd -
Tai Chi Better Balance
Thursdays | 10:15am - 11:15am |Starboard Room*temporarily relocated to The VIBE: 670 Shell Blvd
Yoga for Health
Thursdays| 10:30am - 11:30am | Port Room
Art: Fundamentals of Drawing & Painting
Thursdays | 1:30pm - 3:30pm | Sail Room
Click here for more information or to register.
55+ Club:
- General Meeting: The 55+ (Active Adults) Club is currently recruiting new members! Make new friends, socialize, and enjoy entertainment weekly! General meetings are held on 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 11:00a.m. - 12:30p.m. at the Foster City Community Center, Wind Room. Stop by and say hello!
*The following general meeting dates have been temporarily moved to The VIBE (670 Shell Blvd):
- May 1, 2025
- May 15, 2025
- June 5, 2025
- June 19, 2025
- July 3, 2025
July 17, 2025
Line Dancing: All are welcome to join 55+ Club for Line Dance exercise! Class is free and no experience necessary. Line Dance classes are held every 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. in the Wind Room.
AARP Programs:
Driver Safety Course: Take the AARP Smart Driver Safety Course and you could save on your car insurance! This program is offered on a quarterly basis. This course will help you:
- Refresh your driving skills and knowledge of the rules of the road.
- Learn techniques for handling left turns, right-of-way and roundabouts.
- Discover proven driving methods to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.
Contact (650) 286-2585 for upcoming dates and to sign up!
AARP Tax-Aide: From early February through April 15th each year, the AARP Tax-Aide Program offers free, one-on-one tax preparation to help seniors file basic tax returns, including the 1040 and other standard schedules. Scheduled appointments are held in the Foster City Community Center, located at 1000 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City, on Wednesdays between 12:30pm and 4:30pm. Appointments are required and must be made in advanced by calling (650) 286-2585.
Second Harvest Food Bank:
Second Harvest Food Bank will be distributing pre-boxed groceries for seniors to pick up in the Recreation Center parking lot on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month starting at 8:30am. To register for the Brown Bag program, see the flyer here.
Updated 2/26/25