Foster City Volunteer Opportunities

The dedication of the people and groups in our community who volunteer to make our community a better place to live, work and play is important to the City and our City Council.  Volunteer opportunities at the City of Foster City are listed below.  Please contact the group with whom you are interested in working.  You will be asked to complete an application.  A personal interview and attendance at an orientation meeting may be required.

Parks and Recreation Department

The current opportunity to volunteer with the Parks & Recreation Department is through our Park Clean Up Kit program. More information about how to reserve a kit can be found here.

Emergency Services Volunteer - Police Department

The job of an Emergency Services Volunteer is to be there when needed, using your skills, experience and training to assist the Police Department in a variety of assignments and projects that are important to the agency and the community.  For more information, please contact the Police Department at 650-286-3300.

City Clerk

The City Clerk Department seeks volunteers to assist with clerical functions.  If you are interested, please call

Citizen Advisory Committees

Foster City residents can volunteer to serve on five different Citizen Advisory Committees:  Audit, Information Technology Advisory, Parks and Recreation, Traffic Review and Youth Advisory.  For more information, please call the City Clerk's office at 650-286-3250.

Fire Department - CERT

After several large scale disasters like 9/11 and the Loma Prieta earthquake, there was a realization that not all emergency services personnel will be able to reach everyone right away.  By attending CERT training classes, you will learn the skills to help save lives and protect property.  For more information, please contact the Fire Department at 650-286-3350.

The City of Foster City is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, national origin, race, color or disability.


The Communications/City Clerk Department accepts volunteers to assist with clerical functions. You will be working closely with the Communications Director/City Clerk, and learning the fundamentals of how the Communications/City Clerk Department operates.

Foster City CERT
San Mateo Consolidated Fire Dept. CERTWhy Do We Need CERT?

After several large scale disasters like 9/11 and the Loma Prieta earthquake, there was a realization that not all emergency services personnel will be able to reach everyone right away. People will have to rely on each other for help with immediate and life-threatening issues. By attending CERT training classes, you will learn the skills to help save lives and protect property.

Parks and Recreation manages the City's parks, recreation activities, and community events.   We pride ourselves on  offering a wide range of educational, creative, and fun programs and events, and beautiful outdoor spaces. Participate in a recreation class, attend a special event, or enjoy leisure time in the parks to connect with the community, accomplish a fitness goal, or start a new family tradition! If you can't find the answer to your question on our website, give us a call:

View the FCPD 2024 Annual Report below

You can also use this direct link to the Annual Report: