Water Conservation Rebate Programs


Are you looking to save water and save money? The Foster City Estero Municipal Improvement District (EMID) can help! If you are an EMID water customer, there are rebates, information, and education available to help you reduce your water use.

Rebates are available for customers with residential and irrigation rates. Scroll down to find the rebates available to you based on your rate class.

If you have questions about specific rebates, click on the appropriate "More Info" link for contact information.

An IRS W-9 form must be completed by all applicants in order to receive a rebate.   The Social Security or Tax ID number requested in the rebate application process is in compliance with exemptions to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, 42 UCS 405 (c)(2)(c). All personal information provided within the W-9 is kept confidential in accordance with Privacy Act and will not be divulged to any organization or individual outside of the EMID rebate program. If your total rebate amount is $600 or more, you will receive a 1099 form to comply with Internal Revenue Service requirements. The determination of whether your rebate is taxable or not may depend on several variables. You are recommended to contact your tax professional. The form will be provided to you upon approval.

Pre-inspections are required for all rebate programs listed below. For any other questions, including the rebate amounts offered, terms & conditions, or current availability of the rebate program, please call the Public Works Engineering Division at 650-286-3270.

Residential Customers



How Much

More Info and Application

"Lawn Be Gone" Program (administered by BAWSCA) Conversion of at least 200 square feet of lawn to the approved list of drought-resistant plant materials $4 per square foot, up to a $4000 maximum rebate

More Info

Landscape Water Use Audits Available to customers using at least 60 ccf bi-monthly Free evaluation of your outdoor water use by an irrigation expert

More Info

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Conversion from an older irrigation device to an approved smart irrigation device or the addition of a smart irrigation device to an area of living lawn 100% of the cost of one unit, up to a $250 maximum rebate. 

More Info

Synthetic Turf Rebate Conversion of existing lawn with a synthetic surface; any existing irrigation system must be removed or capped $4 per square foot, up to a $5000 maximum rebate

More Info

Sprinkler Head and Rotating Nozzle Rebate Replace existing sprinklers currently irrigating a lawn area with Pressure Regulating Sprinkler Heads and Rotating Nozzles Up to $4 per set, 15 maximum

Please call
(650) 286-3270 for a pre-inspection


Irrigation Customers



How Much

More Info and Application Instructions

"Lawn Be Gone" Program (administered by BAWSCA) Conversion of at least 200 square feet of lawn to the approved list of drought-resistant plant materials $4 per square foot, up to a $10,000 maximum rebate

More Info

Landscape Water Use Audits Available to customers exceeding their water budget by 25% or more Free evaluation of your outdoor water use by an irrigation expert

More Info

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate

Conversion from older irrigation devices to an approved smart irrigation device or the addition of smart irrigation devices to an area of living lawn.

100% of cost, $50 per station, up to a $7,500 maximum rebate

More Info

Synthetic Turf Rebate

Conversion of existing lawn with a synthetic surface; any existing irrigation system must be removed

$4 per square foot, up to a $10,000 maximum rebate

More Info

Sprinkler Head and Rotating Nozzle Rebate

Replace existing sprinklers currently irrigating a lawn area with Pressure Regulating Sprinkler Heads and Rotating Nozzles

100% of the cost, up to $4 per set, unlimited 

Please call
(650) 286-3270 for a pre-inspection


Combination Domestic/Irrigation Meter Customers



How Much

More Info and Application

Separation of Domestic and Irrigation Meters Available to the HOA or multi-family residential units with combined domestic and irrigation meters No cost for meters and installation charges

Please call
(650) 286-8140

Separation of Domestic and Irrigation Meters

Available to the HOA or multi-family residential units with combined domestic and irrigation meters

Up to $50,000 loan for the construction costs at 5% interest, 36-month amortization period, payable on water bill

Please call
(650) 286-8140