Streets and Stormwater
The Street Division and Stormwater Programs protect public and private property by providing safe and well-maintained street surfaces and effective drainage for surface water runoff. The goal of the Foster City Stormwater Program is to ensure we are meeting the stormwater requirements under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and to maintain the storm drainage system. Some of the services provided under this program include cleaning stormwater inlets and stormwater maintenance and repair. Protecting our storm drainage system helps keep the San Francisco Bay Area’s Creeks and Watersheds clean. For more information, please visit:
Creek & Watershed Map of San Mateo: For San Francisco’s Bay Area Creeks and Watersheds Map
San Mateo County - C/CAG Stormwater - OneWaterShed GIS Map Viewer: The viewer shows locations and relative rankings of regional stormwater capture, green street, and onsite stormwater management opportunities. Additional information about the San Mateo County Stormwater Resource Plan can be found at
FlowsToBay - Municipal Trash Generation Maps: Maps that were developed by Cities and Towns in San Mateo County and the Unincorporated County that address discharges of trash from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) to comply with the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit issued by the SF Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board.
- Baseline Trash Generation: The Baseline Trash Generation map depicts the levels of trash observed circa September 2028 on streets, sidewalks, and other land areas draining to storm drains.
- Directly Connected Land Areas: The Directly Connected land Areas maps illustrate the land areas that are>10,000ft2 and are directly connected to the city storm drainage system.
In addition, the goal of street maintenance is to ensure that public roads are maintained in a safe operating condition. This includes:
- Bridge inspections
- Pavement maintenance and repair
- Sidewalk repair
- Graffiti abatement
- Making, installing and maintaining traffic control devices
- Curb painting maintenance
- Pavement marking maintenance
- Traffic control signs
For more information on street maintenance around your neighborhood or if you notice stormwater issues, please contact the Foster City Public Works Maintenance Division at (650) 286-8140.
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Surface Cleaning BMPs
- Fluorescent Lamp Disposal
- Mobile Cleaners & Businesses
- How Your Business Can Prevent Stormwater Pollution
- Landscape Maintenance
- Litter Prevention
- Report Stormwater Pollution
Food Services
New Development
How to Conduct Stormwater Business Inspections
Integrated Pest Management