How to Run for City Council

Any member of the public who meets the requirements below may run for public office in the City of Foster City  

  • Be at least eighteen years of age 
  • Be a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California 
  • Be a registered voter of the City of Foster City

Our How to Run for City Council video provides all the necessary steps you need to take if you want to run for City Council. The next election will be in 2026.

Interested in running for City Council? Follow these steps as you prepare to run for office.

Step 1. File a Candidate Intention statement (Form 501)  

Before beginning your campaign, you must declare the office you are seeking. File FPPC Form 501 with the City Clerk’s Office prior to soliciting or accepting campaign contributions.  

Step 2. Open a campaign bank account  

Candidates MUST deposit funds into a campaign bank account before spending money on their campaign. Only one account may be used for campaign funds. Spending money out-of-pocket on campaign expenses is a violation of state and local law. 

Many banks require a Tax ID# to open a campaign bank account.

Visit the IRS website to get an ID.  

Step 3. Determine Whether you need a Campaign Committee  

If you plan on raising or spending $2,000 or more for your campaign, register your campaign committee using FPPC Form 410. This must be filed with the California Secretary of State within 10 days of reaching $2,000 in campaign activity. Then, file a copy of your Form 410 with the City Clerk.  

If you plan on raising or spending $2,000 or less for your campaign, file FPPC Form 470 with the City Clerk.  

Step 4. Create a NetFile User and Link to Your Campaign Account 

A welcome letter with your committee credentials will sent to the committee email address. Now you are ready to create your user account, link to your campaign, and enter the committee's information.  

If you are new to NetFile's Electronic Filing System, or need a refresher, use the link to request free filer app training (Highly Recommended). 


Step 5.  Nomination Period “Pulling Papers” – Retrieving Candidate Forms from the City Clerk’s Office 

All potential candidates must obtain and complete the official nomination documents that are issued by the Office of the City Clerk. This is done during the official nomination period. All documents needed to qualify for candidacy are due by the final day of the nomination period. In the event an incumbent does not file nomination papers by that date and time, the period is extended to non-incumbent candidates. 

To pull nomination documents, contact to set up an appointment with the City Clerk.  

Step 6. File your Campaign Statements and Reports 

Enter campaign contributions and expenditures, create draft forms, and file statements and reports online from your NetFile account according to deadlines.  


Campaign Disclosure Forms

Campaign finance is governed by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) of the State of California. All candidates for state and local office and any committee formed to support or oppose a candidate or ballot measure are required to file campaign disclosure statements. It is the responsibility of the candidate and/or committee to file the required campaign disclosure statements in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please consult the FPPC's campaign disclosure manuals or ask the FPPC for advice

Additionally, candidates running for local office are required to file Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests). Investments, interests in real property, and business positions held on the date of filing your declaration of candidacy must be reported. The City of Foster City uses the online system NetFile for entering and disclosing candidate's statements. 

FPPC Resources  

Sign Regulations

The City has adopted new regulations regarding Temporary Noncommerical signs.

For more information, please see Signs for Your Campaign: Regulations Pertaining to Temporary Noncommerical Signs