Waste Reduction and Recycling
4.1. Reduce
4.1.1. Reduces the amount of paper used by providing copies of agendas, staff reports and other documents on-line.
4.2. Reuse
4.2.1. Resurfaced streets using cold-in-place recycling of asphalt which reuses materials as well as reduces costs and reduces truck trips during construction.
4.3. Recycle
4.3.1. Provides curbside collection service to all customers that includes the option for compost collection and single-stream (no sorting) recycling.
4.3.2. Recycles in all City facilities, including items like used lamps and ballasts from City lighting systems and used printer cartridges.
4.4. Organics
4.4.1. All City facilities participate in compost service.
4.5. Businesses
4.5.1. Adopted ordinance banning single-use carry-out plastic bags.
o Ordinance 571, Reusable Bags
4.5.2. Adopted ordinance banning polystyrene disposable food containers.
o Ordinance 567, Prohibition on the Use of Polystyrene-based Disposable Food Service Ware by Food Vendors
4.6. Residential
4.6.1. Administers programs to meet and sustain a minimum 50% diversion rate mandated by the state, promoting residential and commercial recycling efforts.
4.6.2. Purchases "in-unit" recycling containers for residents of multi-family dwellings.
4.7. Electronic Waste and Hazardous Materials
4.7.1. Provides residential curbside collection of batteries and cell phones in addition to providing a collection point at City Hall.
4.7.2. Sponsors community electronics recycling, paper shredding and compost give-away events
4.8. Construction Materials and Debris
4.8.1. Passed an ordinance requiring a minimum of 50 percent of the debris generated from certain construction and demolition projects be diverted from landfills to recycling facilities.
o Ordinance 523 Recycling and Salvaging of Construction and Demolition Debris
4.9. Education
4.9.1. Provides consolidated information on the City's website regarding waste and recycling: