Other Housing Programs
The following programs are available to income-eligible Foster City Residents. These programs are not administered by the City of Foster City.
1. Home Sharing Program
The Home Sharing Program is run by HIP Housing, a private non-profit corporation that matches those wishing to provide affordable housing in a shared situation with those seeking affordable housing in a shared situation. Foster City currently has 14 homeowners participating in this program. For more information on the program, please download the brochure at the bottom of the page or contact the Human Investment Project at 650-348-6660. You can also view the most recent list of shared housing opportunities by following this link HIP Housing.
HIP Housing Program Providers
HIP Housing Program Seekers
2. Self Sufficiency Program
The Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP) provides housing assistance and support services to low-income families with clearly defined career and educational goals and motivation to become financially self-reliant within 12-24 months. Participants receive subsidized rent or a housing scholarship while they complete an education or job training program and find employment with an adequate income to support their families. For more information on the Self Sufficiency Program, please contact HIP Housing at 650-348-6660 or go to this link: HIP Housing.
3. Samaritan House
Samaritan House is a private, non-profit corporation, which provides, clothing, shelter, employment, etc. for people experiencing hardship in the San Mateo County area. For more information on this program, please contact the Samaritan House at 650-347-3648 or visit: Samaritan House.
4. Life Moves
Life Moves is a private, non-profit organization, which helps homeless residents of San Mateo County meet their needs and regain stability through a variety of programs, including emergency shelters. For more information, please contact 650-340-8814 or visit: Life Moves.
5. Home Rehabilitation Loan Program
Foster City Residents may apply for a home rehabilitation loan through the County of San Mateo. These low-interest loans, available to income-eligible homeowners only, may be used for home repairs and rehabilitation. The City of Foster City does not run this program, and all questions should be directed to the San Mateo County Office of Housing at 650-802-5032.
6. Housing for Adults with Disabilities
Download the San Mateo County Department of Housing tips on "How to Find Affordable Housing for Adults with Disabilities" below. Additional information is also available on their website: Affordable Housing for Adults with Disabilities.
7. San Mateo County’s Moving to Work Voucher Program
The Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo (HACSM) accepts pre-applications for the Moving-To-Work (MTW) program. The MTW program is a federally-funded housing assistance program that provides rental subsidy (commonly known as Housing Choice Voucher or Section 8 program), allowing eligible families to rent housing in the private market by subsidizing a portion of each family’s monthly rent. In addition, the MTW program provides case management services, financial incentives, and other supportive services to program participants. See more information on this website San Mateo County Housing Authority.
California Mortgage Relief Program
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