Multi-Family and Residential Mixed-Use Objective Design and Development Standards
Chapter 17.96 of Foster City Municipal Code includes Objective Design and Development Standards all Multifamily and Residential Mixed-Use development projects in Foster City. The intent of the Standards is to establish and provide clear expectations for community members, decision-makers, and applicants prior to the submittal and approval of new projects. These standards apply to all multifamily residential projects that include new or replaced dwelling units, including mixed-use residential/commercial developments, except:
1. Residential projects in the R-1 or R-1/PD zoning districts, including dwelling units developed under Government Code Sections 65852.21 or 66411.7 (SB9, 2021);
2. Accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units.
What are Objective Standards?
Foster City has developed objective design and development standards for multi-family residential housing. The new objective standards establish the community’s expectations for new multi-family development so that it provides a good fit for Foster City.
Recent State housing legislation limits local jurisdictions’ abilities to regulate development with subjective criteria. Objective standards are the only basis a local jurisdiction may use to regulate the design or density of certain eligible projects.
State housing legislation defines an "objective" standard as one that involves no personal or subjective judgment by a public official and uniformly verifiable by reference to an external and uniform benchmark or criterion available and knowable by both the development applicant and the public official prior to submittal.
Is there a Checklist Available?
Yes, the City has developed an application checklist.
What if my Project cannot meet the Standards?
If your project cannot meet the Multi-Family Objective Design and Development Standards, a project applicant may request an exception or exceptions to the design standards. The request shall clearly explain how the unique circumstances of the project and/or physical constraints of the project site make application of the standard infeasible and how the requested exception meets the intent of the standard. Please refer to Section 17.96.030(B), Chapter 17.96 of the Foster City Municipal Code if your application is unable to meet the Objective Design and Development Standards.
Contact Planning Staff via email at to discuss any modification to the required standards.