In conformance with the provision of Government Coder Section 65852.27 and section 17.78.090 (D) of the Foster City Municipal Code the City of Foster City establishes a program for Pre-Approval Design program for ADUs.


Through this program, designers can submit construction documents for review to be part of Foster City’s Pre-Approved Design Program. After approval by the applicable City staff, the pre-approved construction documents will be made available for use by property owners/applicants within Foster City. The designer will maintain the copyright to their preapproved design. Any homeowner/applicant who wishes to use their design must contract with the designers directly to do so. The pre-approved plans are only about 80% complete and will always require property-specific modifications. In addition to the building plans, site-specific land use information will also need to be completed. Once the property owner selects a pre-approved ADU plan, they will work directly with that design professional to prepare construction documents that represent their site-specific factors.

1. Application Forms:

There are two (2) application forms, including

2. Applicable Fees:

The appropriate fee, as adopted by the Resolution of the City Council and included in the Master Fee Schedule, must be paid at the same time the application form is submitted.

3.  Pre-Approval

  1. Designer submits plans to city (see submittal requirements below) along with an application and applicable fees.
  2. City staff reviews the submitted plans and asks for corrections (60 days).
  3. Designer resubmits plans until approved (could be multiple rounds).
  4. City staff also prepares a checklist of additional information, plans and documents that may be needed.
  5. City posts plans, checklist and contact information of the designer (as provided) on City website.  The City may remove a pre-approved accessory dwelling unit plan from their internet website within 30 days of receiving a request for removal from the applicant.
  6. The posting of a pre-approved ADU plan shall not be considered an endorsement of the designer.

4. Reusing the plans (site specific phase)

  1. Designer and/or applicant applies for a building permit (application and applicable fees) and submits plans for a specific address adding site specific information, and additional documentation.
  2. City reviews site specific aspects of plans and asks for corrections (30 days)
  3. Designer resubmits plans until they are approved.
  4. City staff issues a building permit.
  5. City staff conducts building inspections during the construction phase.

5. Submittal Requirements

  • Designers must submit the following with the application for pre-approval of ADU designs, Cover sheet. Provide scope of work, project address, location map, flood zone, type of construction, square footage, occupancy classification(s), area calculations, applicable codes, and information of owner, designer, and contractor, and sheet index.
  • Architectural Plans: Site/Plot plan, existing construction, demolition plan, new construction, floor plans, exiting plans, door schedules, equipment schedules, accessibility upgrades- accessible path of travel (if applicable), details and sections, elevations and finishes, and roof plan.
    • Site/Plot Plan: location of the project in the City, location of the structure on the property with lot and setback dimensions, easements and north arrow, relationship to other structures, location of the project, floor level, room name or numbers.
    • Floor Plan: room dimensions, wall, door and window locations and sizes, room designations, existing, demolition and proposed construction, location of smoke detectors, CO alarms, fire exiting signage and equipment (if applicable)
    • Elevation Plan: orthographic projections drawing with all sides of the house/ADU, identification of the specific side of the building, grade lines, vertical height dimensions of all features, finished floor and ceiling levels, location of exterior wall corners, windows and doors, roof features, porches, decks and patios, material symbols.
  • Structural Plans: details and construction of foundation, framing, roof framing plan, identify the location of sections and all construction details
    •  Foundation Plan: footings; foundation walls; piers, and columns; beams and pilasters; direction, size and spacing of floor joists/trusses (Foundations shall match the existing construction for additions.)
    • Framing Plan: Size, number, spacing, location, methods, and construction details of the structural members to support all loads. Floor framing such as joists, girders, columns; Wall framing openings and ceiling heights; and Rafters including span and slope.
    • Details: large-scale drawings with details, dimensions, tolerances, notation, symbols and specification information of building and their components.
  • Mechanical Plans: Cal-Green requires Heating & Cooling Systems to be designed.
  • Electrical Plans: Show the location of all receptacles, lights, motors, switches, disconnects, panels, services, transformer, Gensets, one line diagram showing conduit/conductor size and insulation type, exit signs & emergency lighting (if applicable). Include a panel schedule showing all new and existing loads, building service size, and grounding/bonding.
  • Plumbing Plans: Provide isometric plans for waste/vent, type of piping material, location of gas lines, water supply lines, sewer line, water heaters with size and input BTU rating, gas line schematic and calculation for sizing of pipe.
  • Designs shall be provided with options for exterior finish materials to ensure architectural compatibility with primary dwelling unit and surrounding neighborhood.
  • Structural Calculations, as applicable.
  • Energy calculations.
  • Truss Calculations Floor/Roof.
  • Civil Plans: Show all site work, grading, storm drainage, and utilities
  • Landscape Plans: Details and Tree Protection
  • California Green Building Code with Check List on plans: Denote where on the plans all mandatory requirements are met.
  • Door/ window schedule – identify all “Egress” door/windows and all other door/window coordinate onto floor plan.
  • Soils Report
  • Other drawings as requested by the Chief Building Official.

6.  Application of Building Code Requirements

  1. The Building Division will review the plans to ensure they meet the California Building Codes, Title 24, and any additional requirements in the Foster City Municipal Code.
  2. A new address request and address fee is required for ADUs.
  3. Due to the 3-year building code cycle, the pre-approval expires at the end of the building code cycle.

7. Amendment

The Program may be amended from time to time by the Community Development Director. The most current version of the Program will be posted on the City’s website.