Energy Efficiency & Conservation
1.1. Audits and Assessments
1.1.1. Conducts inventories of greenhouse gas emissions to guide and monitor the City's efforts to encourage emission reductions in City operations and the community as a whole.
1.2. Internal Policies and Procedures
1.2.1. Implemented energy conservation practices in building maintenance supplies, parts, and systems in City facilities.
1.2.2. Participates in the San Francisco Community Power Demand Response Program, reducing city-wide electricity use on peak demand days.
1.3. Retrofits and Upgrades
1.3.1. Converted to energy efficient electronic ballasts in City lighting systems.
1.3.2. Installed energy efficiency upgrades to some City facilities, including $1,422,738 of heating, ventilation and air conditioning improvements identified in the San Mateo County Energy Watch Energy Efficiency Audit, resulting in a projected annual savings of $60,623 in energy cost.
o Resolution 2014-30 Awarding Contract for Energy Efficiency Upgrades approved 4/7/2014.
1.4. Outside Lighting
1.4.1. Installed Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlights on all public streets. PG&E projected that 142,000 kWh will be saved annually in energy through this retrofit, resulting in 81,448 pounds of avoided greenhouse gas emissions.
o Resolution 2012-97 Authorizing Replacement of HPS Streetlights with LED, 11/19/2012
1.4.2. Converted all traffic and pedestrian signals to LED's.
o Resolution 98-01 Authorizing the Replacement of Red Incandescent Traffic Lamps with Red Light Emitting Diode (LED) Signal Faces,1/5/1998
o Resolution 2003-42 Authorizing the Replacement of Signal Faces for Pedestrian and Yellow Signal Head Light Emitting Diode Project, 5/5/2003
1.4.3. Installed solar-powered speed safety signs and LED Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) near Bowditch Middle School and Edgewater Shopping Center.
o Resolution 2014-117 Approving an Agreement for LED Beacons on Beach Park Boulevard at Bowditch Middle School, 11/17/2014
o Resolution 2014-61 Approving an Agreement for LED Beacons at Port Royal Avenue, 6/16/2014
1.5. Work with Local Businesses
1.5.1. Work with developers of large projects to develop sustainability plans
o Gilead Sciences Sustainability Plan
1.6. Work with Homeowners and Apartment Owners
1.6.1. Joined Energy Upgrade California program to encourage energy efficiency retrofits by Foster City property owners
1.6.2. Joined California FIRST, HERO and Figtree to enable Foster City property owners to access Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing.
o Resolution 2010-23 Authorizing California FIRST Program, 3/1/2010
o Resolution 2014-90 Authorizing Figtree PACE Program, 8/4/2014
o Resolution 2014-91 Authorizing HERO PACE Program, 8/4/2014
1.7. Work with Energy Providers
1.7.1. Engaged in a study, with County of San Mateo, regarding the feasibility of Community Choice Aggregation for San Mateo County jurisdictions.
o Resolution 2015-25 Authorizing participation in CCA Feasibility Study and release of community load data, 3/16/2015