Draft Environmental Impact Report – Available for Public Comment 3/13/20 through April 27, 2020

The City of Foster City, as Lead Agency, has completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the proposed New Hotel in the Metro Center General Development Plan (GDP) Area project.  The public review period for the DEIR begins March 13, 2020 and ends April 27, 2020. The City must receive all written comments regarding the adequacy of the DEIR within this time period.  Written comments may be submitted in person, by mail, by e-mail, or by fax. The mailing address is 610 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404.  Direct all comments to the attention of Timothy Maier, Associate Planner.   The email address is tmaier@fostercity.org, the telephone number is (650) 286-3237, and the fax number is (650) 286-3589.

Click on this link to access the Draft Environmental Impact Report.