Welcome to the videos page for the City of Foster City! Here, you’ll find a great variety of videos related to the public outreach engagement efforts of Foster City. Click on the hyperlinks below to view Foster City videos.

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WATCH A Day in the Life: Management Analyst
Did you know that Management Analysts provide vital support and coordination to ensure excellent and timely service delivery to our residents? The City Manager’s Office Management Analyst is responsible for administrative, technical, and analytical support to the City Council and City Manager, and overall, the City as a whole.

WATCH Get It Here: Support Local Foster City Teaser
The City of Foster City is excited to launch ‘Get It Here: Support Local Foster City’ on Monday, March 4, 2019! “Get It Here: Support Local Foster City” embraces what makes our City unique by keeping your shopping and business dollars in Foster City.

WATCH Local Business Spotlight: Zoox
The City of Foster City is proud to honor Zoox, a Foster City-based robotics company, for the Local Business Spotlight. Zoox is applying the latest in automotive, robotics and renewable energy to design a symmetrical, bidirectional, zero-emissions vehicle from the ground up to solve the unique challenges of autonomous mobility.

WATCH Support Local Featured Business: Falafel Tazah
“Get It Here: Support Local Foster City” embraces what makes our City unique by keeping your shopping and business dollars in Foster City. Learn about our first ‘Featured Business,’ Falafel Tazah.

WATCH A Day in the Life: Code Enforcement
Have you met Foster City’s Code Enforcement Officer? Learn more about their responsibilities as part of this series highlighting Foster City’s different employees and the important role they play in our City.

WATCH Post Office Ribbon Cutting
On Friday, March 1, 2019, Foster City had its ribbon cutting ceremony for the new post office. Thank you to all involved in making the Post Office relocation a success!