City Clerk FAQs
Find out more about the City Clerk Department.
Information on how to obtain a birth or death certificate in the County of San Mateo can be found at the County Assessor's web page.
Copies of resolutions and ordinances approved by the City Council are available at the City Clerk's office in City Hall or online.
Foster City provides live online web streaming of all Council meetings. Past meetings are recorded and also available.
Members of the public may speak in front of the City Council either under "Public" or on a specific agenda item. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits Council from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. It is the policy of Council to refer such matters to staff for investigation and/or action. Speakers are requested to fill out a "Request to Speak" form located on the table by the door and hand it to the City Clerk. The Mayor may limit speakers to three minutes each.
The duties of the City Clerk include the administration of City elections, providing support to the City Council, preparing and distribution of agendas of Council meetings and agenda items as required by applicable statutes, maintenance and administration of all official records of the City, including records of all Council minutes, ordinances and resolutions, the administration of a City-wide records management program to include retention schedules, inactive records storage, archives, and other components as provided for by ordinance or resolution, and any other duties that may be established by ordinance or a resolution of the Council.
By State law, Closed Session meetings are not open to the public. Members of the public may address the City Council at their regular meetings during the Public Comment periods.
You must be qualified to vote for and hold the office for which you apply and a resident of Foster City when you file for candidacy.
Foster City has an election for vacant seats on the City Council in the General Municipal Election in November on even-numbered years. You may obtain Nomination papers in the City Clerk's office at City Hall. Please call the City Clerk at (650) 286-3250 or email for more information or to set up an appointment.
You can e-mail or call them directly.
There are six Citizen Advisory Committees: Audit Committee, Traffic Review Committee, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Committee, Citizens Sustainability Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee.
When vacancies occur on a Commission or Committee, the City Clerk advertises the openings. A notice is normally placed in the local newspaper and on the City's website. Updated information on Commission or Committee vacancies is available by contacting the City Clerk at (650) 286-3250.
Information on how to obtain a Marriage License in the County of San Mateo can be found at the County Assessor's web page.
The City Council meets on the first and third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at Council Chambers, 620 Foster City Boulevard. Click here for the current City Council Calendar.