Red Curb at Crosswalks - Assembly Bill No. 413


Parked cars can hinder the view of drivers as they approach a crosswalk making it more likely for pedestrians to be involved in an incident.  If cars had a better view of the crosswalk, it would decrease the number of collisions. Assembly Bill No. 413 was created to address this issue.

This bill prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any unmarked or marked crosswalk or 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension (Bulb-Out) is present, as specified. The bill would, prior to January 1, 2025, authorize jurisdictions to only issue a warning for a violation, and would prohibit them from issuing a citation for a violation, unless the violation occurs in an area marked using paint or a sign.

For more information please see the following link: