Agendas and Minutes
Public Meetings
Members of the public can observe and participate in in City Council or Planning Commission meetings from home via Zoom or in person, and in Citizen Advisory Committee meetings in person, and unless otherwise noted. Planning Commission and City Council meetings are streamed live online at or on FCTV on Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99. Please check the agenda for specific information.
Providing Public Comment
• Live verbal public comments may be made by members of the public in person, or by joining the meeting via Zoom (for hybrid meetings held in person and via teleconference/video conference). Zoom access information is provided on the agenda. Use the “raise hand” feature (for those joining by phone, press *9 to “raise hand”) during the public comment period for the agenda item you wish to address. The Zoom Host will call on people to speak by name provided or last 4 digits of phone number for dial-in attendees. Please clearly state your full name for the record at the start of your public comment.
• Written public comments for City Council and Planning Commission meetings may be submitted in advance by 4pm on the meeting date (for regularly scheduled meetings) by email to: and will be made part of the written record and provided to the City Council or Planning Commission but will NOT be read verbally at the meeting. When sending the email, please include name, address, agenda item, and public comment. Written public comments will be posted to the City’s website for review prior to the meeting (emails received during the meeting will be added after the meeting). Emails are available in the “Minutes/Public Comments” tab of each meeting. Written public comments for Citizen Advisory Committee meetings may be sent to the email address provided on the agenda.
City Council Agendas
This agenda is used as an official working guide from which the City Council conducts its meetings. The agenda includes current legislative and policy issues which are scheduled to be reviewed by the Council. While items are usually placed on the agenda at the request of the Council or staff members, citizens who would like the Council to review a particular item should send a formal written request to the Mayor and City Council, 610 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404. The item will be reviewed to determine whether it should be handled administratively, referred to a commission or committee, or added to an upcoming City Council agenda. The agenda, staff reports, and other background material may be reviewed at City Hall on the Thursday afternoon before a Council meeting.
Agenda Notification
To request notification when agendas are published, subscribe here.
Minutes are the written record of a meeting or hearing that gives an overview of the structure of the meeting, starting with a list of those present, a statement of the various issues before the participants, and each of their responses thereto.
Citizen Advisory Committees
Citizen Advisory Committees are an important component of the City's policy-making structure and Committees recommend and advise the Council on special issues. Information on Citizen Advisory Committees can be found here.