November 5, 2024 Election - Ballot Measure


​On July 15, 2024 the City Council adopted a resolution ordering the submission to qualified voters of the City, a measure to amend the Business License Tax on the November 5, 2024 ballot.  In order to pass, the ordinance needs to be approved by a simple majority of voters.

The following ballot question will appear on the ballot:

To protect Foster City’s financial stability and maintain essential services including 911 emergency response, property crime prevention, street repairs, and infrastructure maintenance, shall an ordinance amending the business license tax  with varying the rates from $0.75 to $3.00 per $1000 of gross receipts, retaining the $100/$200 minimum tax and increasing the maximum tax payment both with annual inflation adjustments, generating approximately $1,400,000 annually for locally controlled general fund purposes, until ended by voters, be adopted?

Legislative Information 

City Resolution No. 2024-73


The San Mateo County Elections Department will print a voter information guide with information about the  measure.  Arguments in favor or against  the measure may be submitted for printing in the guide.  If more than one argument in favor or against the measure is submitted, the argument for printing will be selected in priority order in accordance with California Elections Code §9067.

The deadline to submit a ballot argument is 5:00 pm, August 13, 2024. The deadline to submit an argument rebuttal is 5:00 pm, August 20, 2024. Arguments and Rebuttals are due to the City Clerk.

Please visit San Mateo County Elections for information on how to file arguments and rebuttals. Primary and Rebuttal arguments must be submitted with the Primary Argument Submission Form and Rebuttal Argument Submission Form. Proponents/opponents of the measure may also provide a list of supporters/opponents for printing on the ballot when submitting primary arguments supporting/opposing the measure by submitting this form.

The City Attorney has been directed to prepare an impartial analysis of the measure not exceeding 500 words showing the effect of the measure on the existing law and the operation of the measure and to file the analysis no later than August 20, 2024 with the City Clerk by 5:00 pm.

Primary Arguments, Rebuttals, and the Impartial Analysis documents will be posted to this webpage during the public examination period.

The City of Foster City does not advocate a yes or no vote on any measure, or for or against any candidate.

For more information regarding elections visit the Elections FAQ and the San Mateo County Elections website or contact Foster City Election Official Priscilla Schaus.

The City Clerk is the Elections Official for the City. The role of the City Clerk in legislative and elective processes requires neutrality and independence as key qualities in conducting the business of the Office. Elections include General Municipal Elections, Various Ballot Measures, the nomination process for Council Candidates, the Processing of Initiatives and Petitions, Referendums, Recalls, and Special Elections