Transportation Permit

Transportation Permits

As set by state law, transportation involving the operation of oversized and/or overweight vehicles within the right of way of the City of Foster City limits, requires a permit from the Public Works Department and Caltrans.  See also Chapter 10.49 – Vehicle Restrictions on City Streets of the Foster City Municipal Code for weight and length restrictions:  

  • The following is a link for a Caltrans Transportation Permit - Interactive Transportation Permit Application Instructions | Caltrans
  • Please submit the approved Caltrans permit with the Foster City Transportation Permit application to
  • ***If this is for a Capital Improvement Project, delivery hours must be approved by the City Project Engineer***  
  • Limited Truck Routes for movement of commercial vehicles through town include:
    • E. Third Avenue from the westerly city limits to Highway 92;
    • Chess Drive from the westerly city limits to Foster City Boulevard;
    • Metro Center Boulevard from Edgewater Boulevard to Foster City Boulevard;
    • E. Hillsdale Boulevard from the westerly city limits to Foster City Boulevard;
    • Edgewater Boulevard from the northerly city limits to E. Hillsdale Boulevard;
    • Vintage Park Drive from Chess Drive to Metro Center Boulevard;
    • Foster City Boulevard from E. Third Avenue to E. Hillsdale Boulevard.