Final 2020 Urban Water Management Plan & Water Shortage Contingency Plan
In 1983, the California Legislature enacted the Urban Water Management Planning Act (UWMP Act) (California Water Code Sections 10610 - 10657). The UWMP Act states that every urban water supplier that provides water to 3,000 or more customers, or that provides over 3,000 acre-feet of water annually, should make every effort to ensure the appropriate level of water service reliability to meet the needs of its customers during normal, dry, and multiple dry years. On behalf on the Estero Municipal Improvement District (EMID), EKI Environment & Water, Inc. (EKI) has prepare this 2020 update to EMID’s UWMP in accordance with the UWMP Act.
Estero Municipal Improvement District’s (EMID’s) Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP), which has been developed to serve as a flexible framework of planned response measures to mitigate future water supply shortages. This WSCP builds upon and supersedes any previous WSCPs as well as Section 7 of the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) (EKI, 2016). The updated WSCP presented herein reflects lessons learned during the recent historic drought and is intended to improve EMID’s ability to respond effectively and efficiently in the event of a future water supply shortage or emergency.