Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, law enforcement, advocacy groups, community leaders and government to improve the well-being of children by walking and biking to school. Join the Foster City Parks and Recreation Department the first Wednesday in October and the second Wednesday in May by walking, biking, or rolling to school.

On Wednesday, October 3rd, Audubon, Brewer Island, and Foster City Elementary School students and families are encouraged to participate by walking and/or riding their bikes to school. In honor of October 10th being National Walk to School Day, the Foster City Parks and Recreation Department is excited to announce its participation in Safe Routes to School, Foster City.  Families can stop by the Safe Routes Incentives Table at Audubon, Brewer Island, or Foster City Elementary School to sign a safety pledge to show their commitment to improving the health and safety of our students and our community. Recreation Staff will be on site before school giving out incentives for those who sign a safety pledge. You can also participate in the walking school bus, arrive prior to 7:50am, located at a park near your child(ren)'s school in support of having Safe Routes to School.

The Walking School Bus

Please meet at the designated park before 7:50am, and you will receive an exclusive giveaway and snacks/water.

The Golden Sneaker

The school with the largest percentage of people walking or biking to school will receive the Golden Sneaker Award for the school with the highest participation, and will be able to hold on to it for the entire school year.

2017: Brewer Island Elementary School
2018: Brewer Island Elementary School  

Learn  about bike safety tips and the Safe Routes to School Program from FCPD Officer Terry and the San Mateo-Foster City School District.