Foster City Fitness Court

Foster City Fitness Court
Shorebird Park (Beach Park Blvd/Halibut St)
What is a Fitness Court?
National Fitness Campaign (NFC), the leading partner in community fitness, has awarded the City of Foster City funding to join the 2018 Campaign. As 1 of 100 elite selected cities, Foster City will showcase a world class NFC Fitness Court, a free outdoor bodyweight fitness program re-imagined to transform modern public spaces. The NFC ecosystem combines a simple, seven minute, high quality workout and connected digital platforms to build fit communities.
To Use: Download the Fitness Court app and follow along as it walks you through various workouts on each of the course elements.
The addition of a Fitness Court to the parks system will provide a valuable resource for healthy living for all residents in our community, regardless of income level, which aligns with the City's goal in promoting social equity. The Parks and Recreation Department is committed to providing innovative services that contribute to our healthy community.
Thank you to our generous Fit Court sponsors: Gilead Sciences and Jimenez & Associates.
Interested in Being a Prospective Fitness Trainer or Instructor at the Fitness Court?
No individual or business may operate on City property including parks without permission from the City of Foster City. Individuals and/or businesses cannot use park space for private gain. This permit application is for prospective trainers/instructors who will work with no more than two (2) clients at a time. To apply for a permit, complete the packet below. For instructors/trainers who wish to offer a class (three or more clients at one time), you must complete and submit a Contract Instructor Application packet.