PG&E Gas Line Replacement Project - Neighborhood 5
PG&E has announced that it will be upgrading their gas main line and services to homes on Coronado Lane, De Leon Lane, Vespucci Lane, De Soto Lane, Pizarro Lane, Lido Street, and Balboa Street. The project is anticipated to start on May 17, 2021 and should be completed by end of October 2021. Work activities will be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weather and other factors affecting safe working conditions may change the project's schedule.
PG&E will contact homeowners prior to the start of work. Parking and driveway access may be affected, but onsite crew will be available to help facilitate access to driveways. Please observe all posted traffic signs through constructions zones for the safety of the public and workers. For additional questions, call Public Works Engineering at (650) 286-3270.