Kiva-Foster City Workshop on April 25, 2018

For Immediate Release: April 6, 2018
Contact: Vanessa Brannon, Management Analyst,, 650-286-3354


The City of Foster City and Kiva are hosting a free workshop to help Foster City small and micro businesses get 0% interest crowdfunded loans and matching loan funds. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 25 at noon at the Emergency Operations Center, 1040 E. Hillsdale Blvd.  Parking is available at City Hall. All small and micro businesses are welcome to attend this informative workshop to learn the fundamentals of what it means to understand your own business. Leverage the recent launch of Kiva in San Jose and the Peninsula to raise up to $10k, build a community, and a customer base.

With partners like eBay, PayPal and Knight Foundation, Kiva has recently launched its program in the Bay Area and funded 218 small business in their first year. Kiva is looking forward to helping business owners and creatives in Foster City.

Kiva is an international social enterprise, founded in 2005 with a mission to connect people through lending. Kiva community provides access to 0% interest loans and a community passionate about helping entrepreneurs in the United States.

The City of Foster City will match every dollar that individuals lend to Foster City borrowers who meet the eligibility criteria. Borrowers can request loans up to $10,000 through Kiva at 0% interest and no fees. As the entrepreneur repays, lenders can relend that same money to another person or withdraw their money and put it back in their pocket.

To sign up for this informative workshop, please visit
