Foster City Rebate Program for Installing Residential Solar Photovoltaic Systems

For Immediate Release: September 16, 2019
Contact: Mitzi Staufer, Management Assistant, (650) 286-3276, 


Foster City residents have an added incentive to consider installing Solar Photovoltaic technology on their homes: a $1,000 rebate from the City of Foster City for resident-owned residential solar arrays.

Resident-owned systems passing final building inspections are eligible for City rebate funding.  Rebates may be combined with other promotions offered by the City or outside agencies.  Alternate options for obtaining solar technology, such as leases and power purchase agreements, are encouraged but not eligible for rebate funding. The program is open to eligible participants until program funding is exhausted.

As a way to save money, residents are reminded that implementing energy-efficiency measures before installing solar ensures that the array is not oversized.  To learn more about making your home energy efficient, and to find out if you are eligible for energy efficiency rebates, visit

For all terms and conditions of the Solar Rebate Program or to download the rebate application, visit or pick up an information packet at the Community Development Department located at 610 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA 94404.
