Census 2020 in San Mateo County

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 (All day)

Every 10 years, the federal government is required to count all residents in the United States, citizens and noncitizens alike, through a national census.  The next national census is in April 2020. The information is used to make sure everyone is equally represented in our political system and that government resources are allocated fairly. It is also used to make important decisions about community programs and services, like where to build homes and parks, establish public transit routes, build new roads and offer language access services.

USPS City Versus Census Geography

If two cities share a zip code, the actual address location is used to determine which census tract the information is attributed to (not the mailing label).  This ensures that the proper resources are allocated to the correct jurisdictions. More information can be found here.

Learn More

To learn more about the Census and ensure you are counted, visit www.smccensus.org or www.census.gov.