Neighbor Night

Calendar Date:
This calendar entry had previously repeated. The last occurrence was:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 6:00pm

Celebrate July is Parks and Recreation Month by attending one of the Neighbor Nights. The Neighbor Nights program is hosted in three different community parks throughout Foster City. The goal of this program is bring people together from the each of the surrounding neighborhoods to enjoy an evening of food and family games. If you attend one of the Neighbor Nights, your name will be entered into a raffle to win a prize! Forget the hassle of hosting, and just enjoy an evening of meeting new neighbors!

Priority registration for neighbors in the Port Royal, Marlin, and Turnstone Parks begins on  February 28 and ends on April 4. General registrations will be accepted starting April 4. Families will be selected through an application process based on their submission date, proximity to their respective park, and past participation. Please send your registration via e-mail to or drop off at the Recreation Center (650 Shell Blvd.)