FC Fun at Home

During this time of uncertainty, the Parks and Recreation Department is committed to ensure there are opportunities for the community to engage, connect, and have fun! Our staff is excited to launch a new program, FC Fun at Home, using social media to provide a variety of videos, games, activities, and resources, sure to keep our residents active and engaged while maintaining social distancing.  

Connect with us, share your ideas, and let us know if there are other tools we can provide to make this extended time in our homes moments to cherish.

Send your ideas by emailing recreation@fostercity.org.

Links to FC Fun at Home Activities

  • Trivia Tuesday: We're playing LIVE on Zoom at 8pm each week.  For more info, see our Trivia Facebook page. 
  • Bingo: Join us for Bingo on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month! Generate your card here each week. Beginning April 2021 and through August, we're doing Foster City themed bingo the 1st Thursday of the month.  Generate your FC themed card here