Recreation Center Master Plan Project Update

For Immediate Release: August 7, 2019
Contact: Jennifer Liu, Parks and Recreation Director, (650) 286-3390, 


Following the August 5, 2019 City Council meeting, the Recreation Center Master Plan Project has been tabled until a date uncertain. At this meeting, the City Council discussed funding options for the Recreation Center and considered an award to Burks Toma Architects to complete Conceptual Design Plans based on a $40 million total budget. It was determined that due to the uncertainty of the construction costs of the Levee Project (currently in its permitting stages), it would be fiscally prudent to table the Recreation Center Master Plan Project until further notice.

The City Council had first authorized a Recreation Center Master Plan Study in 2016 to address an aging Recreation Center facility and the deteriorating condition of its roof. The study would address pressing maintenance upgrade issues, in addition to providing an opportunity to re-evaluate community interests and needs such that the facility is timely and relevant and an amenity that will see the Foster City community into the future. 

Over the next few years, the City continued to make incremental steps forward. In January 2019, the City Council accepted a Conceptual Design report, indicating their preference for “Concept 3” as a starting point. Concept 3 represented an estimated $54 million Recreation Center building, plus $17 million for proposed outdoor space improvements.

In April 2019, the City Council hosted a study session to further discuss the Recreation Center Master Plan Project. Policy direction was then provided to move forward with a “Build to Budget” project, with a total project cost not-to-exceed $40 million. The City Council also asked for a more comprehensive discussion of funding options for the project – leading to the August 5, 2019 City Council meeting.

Although the Recreation Center Master Plan Project has been placed on hold, the City will continue to provide maintenance where necessary and feasible as the Recreation Center ages. The City’s utmost priority will continue to be safeguarding the facility’s infrastructure for the safety for its users.  

For more information about this project, visit or contact Jennifer Liu, Parks and Recreation Director at (650) 286-3390 or
