Levee Pedway Maintenance Work Beginning May 5

For Immediate Release: May 1, 2020
Contact: Pete Chiamos, Parks Manager, (650) 286-3549, pchiamos@fostercity.org 


Starting May 5 until May 8, Foster City Parks Maintenance will be performing its annual weed abatement and vegetative management along the Levee Pedway. Hours of work will occur from 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. Work will begin at the south end (by Rock Harbor Lane and Port Royal Avenue) of the pedway and City staff will work in sections (no more than a half mile in length), closing the sections they are working on as the work is being completed. 

City staff will direct pedway traffic around the closure. For the safety of trail users and City staff, we ask that the community proceed with caution or avoid the pedway if possible during hours of work. Under the County’s latest Public Health Order, City staff will adhere to the social distancing requirements and also wear face coverings while performing the work. Hand-held power equipment and other large equipment will be in use. Certified Parks Maintenance staff will also be applying herbicides to remaining vegetation to aid in the reduction of weeds. This annual work will help ensure that pedestrian and fire safety are maintained along the trail.
While work is in place, drivers on Beach Park Boulevard should exercise caution and slow down as necessary due to the increased variety of users. The City appreciates everyone’s patience and cooperation while the maintenance work is being completed.

For more information, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department at recreation@fostercity.org.
