Foster City Raises Lagoon to Summer Water Level

For immediate release: April 12, 2023

Contact: Greg Baeza, Public Works Maintenance Superintendent – Streets & Lagoon, (650) 286-3551,

The Foster City Public Works Department raised the water level in the Foster City Lagoon by approximately 6-8 inches from winter levels to summer levels on Monday, April 3. 

The City’s Lagoon Management Plan sets standard lagoon water levels for winter and summer periods. The lagoon level is lowered in the winter in order to prepare to accept additional storm water associated with frequent winter storms. In the summer, levels are raised to accommodate recreational uses of the lagoon waterway. The water level will typically be maintained between 1 to 2 feet from the Foster City’s datum level of elevation 100, which is the design height of most lagoon bulkheads. The water level will generally be higher on weekends and holidays and lower during midweek. This is done to promote maximum water exchange in the lagoon. However, if a major storm is predicted, the lagoon level may be lowered in preparation for the storm at any time of year.

For questions or comments, please contact the Public Works department at (650) 286-8140 or the Public Works Streets & Lagoons Superintendent Greg Baeza at (650) 286-3551. 

