Foster City Police Department Deploys BolaWrap In The Field

For Immediate Release: February 12, 2020
Contact: Captain Cory Call, F.C.P.D., (650) 286-3300


Foster City Police Department has deployed a new less-lethal law enforcement product, the BolaWrap. 

The BolaWrap is a hand-held, remote restraint device that discharges an eight-foot Kevlar® tether at 513 feet per second to restrain a subject at a range of 10-25 feet. The device was developed to restrain noncompliant persons in crisis, without hurting them and while still maintaining a safe distance between subject and officer. The BolaWrap does not rely on pain compliance and is specifically designed to be deployed early in an engagement.

FCPD instructors were trained on the BolaWrap late last year, and officers will now be carrying the device in the field. FCPD is among the first of several agencies in California to deploy the new less-lethal solution, including Los Angeles Police Department, who deployed the BolaWrap earlier this month.

All current Foster City Police Officers are Crisis Intervention Trained. The Foster City Police Department is always looking for new ways to de-escalate encounters, especially with subjects in any sort of behavioral health crisis, without having to rely on pain compliance. The BolaWrap is another tool in the toolbox, which can help officers restrain an individual without having to resort to higher levels of force.



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