Foster City Announces Weekly “Levee Live” Sessions to Discuss Levee Project
For Immediate Release: February 17, 2021
Contact: Levee Project Hotline at 1-800-213-6320,
Foster City is launching a new series of weekly sessions, called “Levee Live,” to provide community members with a live forum to discuss the Levee Improvements Project with project experts.
Every Thursday, beginning February 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the project team will be hosting Levee Live Sessions via Zoom. Community members can sign up for a 15-minute timeslot to speak directly with a levee project representative and have their questions answered. Schedule a Zoom appointment here:
“Proactive communication remains a key focus of the Levee Improvements Project, and the new Levee Live Sessions are just one example of the many ways to connect and stay engaged on project updates,” said Project Manager Paul Nagengast. “I’m looking forward to these sessions, when our community members may be able to take a few minutes over the lunchtime hours to chat one-on-one in real-time about this important project.”
In addition to signing up for a weekly Levee Live Session, residents can learn more about the project by visiting the newly-launched dedicated project website at For more information, please email Any construction-related issues may be reported to the project hotline at 1-800-213-6320 (calls will typically be returned within 24 hours).