Foster City Announces Summer Event Plans

For Immediate Release: June 3, 2020 
Contact: Jennifer Liu, Parks and Recreation Director, (650) 286-3380,


At its meeting on Monday, June 1, 2020, the City Council in Foster City approved a plan for Summer Events that takes into account the requirement of the Health Orders to limit the size of public gatherings.

At the meeting, the City Council affirmed that the City’s traditional summer events would not be held, but approved proceeding with a roster of smaller gatherings, virtual events and drive-in events.  Included in the plan is a virtual version of the City’s popular Fourth of July festival as well as drive-in movies and reintroduction of a version of the City’s popular summer food truck schedule. Several other events are also under consideration.

Parks and Recreation Director Jennifer Liu commented on the proposed line-up of activities noting that, “The City wanted to make sure that it continued to encourage the sense of community while protecting all residents from the potential impacts of COVID-19.  These events are designed to address both goals.”

The City Council approved the proposed events in concept, but details are still being finalized.  Each event will be publicized as the details are confirmed to be within the limitations of the most current Health Order at the time the event is to be held. 

Check the City’s website and the City and Parks and Recreation Department’s social media pages to stay up to date on all events.
