Draft Climate Action Plan 2024 Update and California Environmental Quality Negative Declaration Now Available for Public Review and Comment

For immediate release: September 18, 2024

Contact: Vanessa Brannon, Senior Management Analyst, Community Development Department, (650) 286-3354, vbrannon@fostercity.org  

The public is invited to review the Draft Foster City Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2024 Update and the California Environmental Quality (CEQA) Negative Declaration. The community can comment on the two documents, found at https://sustainable.fostercity.org/climate-action-plan-update/, until October 18. All comments should be sent to sustainable@fostercity.org.

A Climate Action Plan outlines how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while building community resiliency. A Negative Declaration is a document that can be adopted by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Commission when a project is not expected to have a significant negative impact on the environment. Foster City’s first CAP was adopted in 2016. This update was created with extensive community input and participation in its development process. The City’s Citizens Sustainability Advisory Committee (CSAC) was instrumental in the development of the CAP 2024 Update. The CAP is Foster City’s plan to reduce its contribution to climate change while addressing its current and future impacts. The Draft Climate Action Plan Update is posted at https://sustainable.fostercity.org/climate-action-plan-update/.

For more information about climate action planning, please visit sustainable.fostercity.org. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the Community Development Department at (650) 286-3225 or sustainable@fostercity.org.
