“Home Is Foster City” Launches and We Want To Hear From You!

For Immediate Release: February 4, 2020
Contact: Dante Hall, Assistant City Manager, dhall@fostercity.org, (650) 286-3214


Whether it’s where we live or the neighbors we grow up with, housing connects everyone in Foster City. But, what does the future of housing look like in Foster City? 

The City is excited to launch "Home is Foster City," the next Community Dialogue Series meeting focused on housing. "Home Is Foster City aims to find new ways to engage the community in constructive discussions on housing topics," said Catherine Mahanpour, Mayor of Foster City. "To achieve this, the City is here to listen to all voices. All perspectives on the complex topic of housing are welcome."

"The goal of 'Home is Foster City' is to bring a broad cross-section of community members together to talk about current challenges related to housing. Together we will explore options and opportunities to protect what we all value as a community and ensure that we continue to thrive," said Dante Hall, Assistant City Manager of Foster City.

Share your thoughts with us, take our online survey, stop by a pop-up event, and attend the next community conversation on April 21st. Follow Foster City on Facebook and Instagram to share a photo that describes why #HomeIsFosterCity to you and you could win a gift card to a local business. To learn more about “Home Is Foster City,” visit www.fostercity.org/homeisfostercity. However you choose to engage, we are here to listen! 
