“BE AWARE AND SHARE” -- Reminder to Use the Lagoon Safely

For Immediate Release: July 24, 2020
Contact: ‘Andra Lorenz, Acting Principal Management Analyst, alorenz@fostercity.org


Safety is the “magic word” if you boat or swim in Foster City’s lagoon.

During the COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders, there has been an increase in recreational activity in the lagoon system.  For the safety of all users, the City of Foster City wants to remind everyone to “Be Aware and Share” the lagoon. Boaters are reminded to “Steer Clear” of other boaters and swimmers.  Swimmers are reminded to take precautions to be as visible as possible in the water.

Foster City is built around its beautiful lagoon system, which serves not only as the City’s storm drainage basin, but also as the ultimate recreational venue.  Recreational boaters, swimmers and participants in water sports all enjoy the amenities that Foster City’s extensive waterfront has to offer.

It’s up to all lagoon users to practice extra safety precautions while in the water. For more safety tips and detailed boating and swimming regulations, visit www.fostercity.org/lagoonsafety.
