Basic Emergency Preparedness Class

Don't get caught unprepared!

The Get Ready! emergency preparedness class provides you with information to respond effectively and decisively in an emergency. Taught by Fire Department personnel, you will learn about the types of disasters that could impact Foster City, how to create an emergency plan and emergency supply kit, and general disaster awareness and fire prevention.  

Emergency Preparedness includes both lecture and discussion elements using materials designed specifically for Foster City.  Gain peace of mind that you'll know what to do in case of earthquake, flood, fire, or other major natural or man-made disasters.  There is plenty of time for questions, so come ready to participate!  Learn how to prepare you and your family in case of emergency.

This is a free class!

Get Ready! is a basic 2 hour class/seminar offered to Foster City residents age 12 and older, free of charge. Class will be held at the Fire Station (1040 E. Hillsdale Blvd.) Call the Fire Department at 650 286-3350 between 8am and 4pm, weekdays, for registration information.

For more information call (650) 286-3350 or e-mail