Your Man Around Town! - March 16, 2016

Ticket to Ride. As your elected official, my responsibility is first and foremost to you, the residents who elected me to serve on our City Council. Since my first day on the job, I dug in and began to involve myself with matters that I am passionate about, including a particular interest in transportation. I have the pleasure of serving on several committees, including: City County of Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) Bicycle and Pedestrian sub-committee, the League of California Cities policy committee for Transportation, Communication and Public Works, and during my first two years on City Council, I also sat on the Traffic Review Committee in Foster City. So, as you can imagine, I take my responsibility and interest in transportation seriously. Many of you send e-mails about traffic in our city, in our county and in our state. None of your comments fall off the paper, or vanish from the computer screen. In fact, I often refer to them while attending meetings and/or talking with county and state officials. Here is a question for us to all consider, "Do you believe that over time, say the next 5-7 years, traffic in Foster City and the surrounding areas will improve or get worse? And why? What suggestions might you have to deal with our current traffic issues?"

Get Involved. In the March edition of League of California Cities magazine, I read an interesting article, "Planning Commission Often leads to City Council." That statement rings true not just for planning commissioners, but for residents from our Parks & Recreation Citizens Advisory Committee. Yours truly was a member and past chair, as was current Mayor Herb Perez and newly elected Council member, Sam Hindi. My point – If you have a passion to help Foster City remain a "slice of paradise," GET INVOLVED. We all can make a difference and we should. Since my arrival on the City Council, I have voted for some of the current members of both active committees. The process works and – I speak for myself – those who have applied are the best candidates. However, anyone with a passion to help our parks system, recreation programs, or planning for the future, GETS INVLOVED! Food for thought: City Council has final say on what suggestions or changes are brought forward from our committees that affect Foster City. Past and Current council members take their roles and responsibility very seriously and welcome challenges and thoughtful suggestions. Don't be afraid to get involved and share your ideas.

Foster City's Finest. The other week my wife and I were invited to attend the San Mateo PAL Awards and Recognition Dinner, along with Past Mayors Pam Frisella and Art Kiesel, and current council member, Catherine Mahanpour. The event drew well over 300 people. PAL (Police Activities League) does wonderful work with the youth. Their mission is to create a safe society while promoting the physical, social and mental development of our youth: "Building the bond between Cops and Kids."

Read a Book. Our San Mateo/Foster City elementary schools organized Literacy Week, and Mayor Herb Perez and I volunteered to read at Laurel Elementary School. For my part, I read a book to a third grade class. Boy have I forgotten how to relate to kids that age! They are advanced in so many ways with the use of technology and yet they still love to have a book read to them aloud. The looks on their faces as I read and showed the pictures made my experience priceless. I can only suggest if you have young children, read to them, and often. They love the sound of our voices!

New Correctional Center. On March 1st, I attended the ribbon cutting for the new Maple Street Correction Center. There were well over a hundred people there to celebrate the opening and tour the new facility. Former Mayor Art Kiesel, Police Chief Matt Martell, Captain (soon to be Police Chief) Joe Pierucci, and I all were there. The new jail will incorporate innovative programming to improve lives and keep the inmates out of jail in the future.

Audience Participation. Each Council Corner I write will end with a question. So here we go: When you look at any one of our shopping centers in town, I want to know, have they served their useful life?

If you wish to comment or share your thoughts, please contact me at or 650-286-3505.